
"Follow" is a term used on social media platforms to describe the act that a user follows another to monitor the latter's new posts. This increases interaction between users.

The "Follow" contract we provide is used to describe a one-way action of following.



The schema corresponding to the FollowRegister contract is saved to Arweave in the form of a ttl file, with the transaction hash as the schemaURI to be passed to the contract during its initialization stage. For example:


To describe the Follow contract address of a certain address, we can use the following rdf as an example:

:Soul_0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000011 p:connectionContract :Activity_0x12345678901111111000000000
  • The list of prefixes.

PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
  • Class

":Soul" means the address for accepting and bounding a name. ":Contract" means the address of the "Follow" contract.

:Soul a rdfs:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Soul" ;
    rdfs:comment "A soul." .

:Contract a rdfs:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Contract" ;
    rdfs:comment "A contract." .
  • Predicate

"p:followContract" is used to describe the addresses of the "follow" contracts owned by a particular address.

p:followContract a rdf:Property ;
    rdfs:label "followContract" ;
    rdfs:comment "The soul's follow contract." ;
    rdfs:domain :Soul ;
    rdfs:range :Contract .


The schema corresponding to the Follow contract is saved to Arweave in the form of a ttl file, with the transaction hash as the schemaURI to be passed to the contract during its initialization stage. For example:


To describe that certain address is following the owner of the current contract, we can use the following rdf as an example:

:Soul_0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000022 p:following :Soul_0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000011
  • Prefix of a namespace.

PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
  • Class

":Soul" means the address for accepting and bounding a name. ":Contract" means the address of the "Follow" contract.

:Soul a rdfs:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Soul" ;
    rdfs:comment "A soul." .
  • Predicate

"p:following" is used to describe the "follow" relationship between addresses.

p:following a rdf:Property ;
    rdfs:label "following" ;
    rdfs:comment "Following a soul." ;
    rdfs:domain :Soul ;
    rdfs:range :Soul .


The contract template for the Follow contract. We use FollowRegister as the factory pattern and registration center to deploy and record a user's Follow contract.


interface IFollowRegister is ISemanticSBT {

     * Deploy a follow contract.
     * @param addr : The address to accept a Follow contract.
     * @return tokenId 
    function deployFollowContract(address addr) external returns (uint256);

     * Query the Follow contract address of a certain address.
     * @param owner : The owner of the address of the Follow contract.
     * @return contractAddress : The Follow contract address.
    function ownedFollowContract(address owner) external view returns (address);


interface IFollow is ISemanticSBT {

     * Initialize the contract
    function initialize(
        address owner,
        address minter,
        string memory name_,
        string memory symbol_,
        string memory baseURI_,
        string memory schemaURI_,
        string[] memory classes_,
        Predicate[] memory predicates_
    ) external;

     * Follow the owner of the current contract.
     * @return tokenId 
    function follow() external returns (uint256);

     * Unfollow
     * @return tokenId 
    function unfollow() external returns (uint256);

     * Returns whether the `addr` is following the owner of the current contract
     * @return isFollowing  
    function isFollowing(address addr) external view returns (bool);

Contract implementation note

As a factory pattern, registration center and router contract, the "FollowRegister" has the following business logic:

  • deployFollowContract: To deploy the "Follow" contract.

  • ownedFollowContract: To query the "Follow" contract owned by an address.

As the contract actually records a user's "follow" relationships, "Follow" can be owned by each user. When a new fan follows a user, a token will be minted by the user's "Follow" contract and distributed to the fan.

  • follow: A fan will mint a token via the "Follow" contract of the person he/she follows.

  • unfollow: When a fan cancels the "follow" relationship and burns the token generated by that particular relationship.

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