


  1. Deploy a follow contract

  function deployFollowContract(address owner) external returns (uint256);

Deploy a user's follow and record it to the FollowRegister contract.


  • owner: The address receiving a Follow contract

Return value:

  • tokenId: The tokenID for a Follow contract in the FollowRegister contract.

  1. Lookup the Follow contract addresses belonging to an address

  function ownedFollowContract(address owner) external view returns (address);

Lookup the Follow contract addresses belonging to an address


  • owner: The address owning a Follow contract

Return value:

  • contractAddress: the address(es) of Follow contract(s).


  1. Follow

function follow() external returns (uint256);

To follow the owner of the current contract

Return value:

  • tokenId: The tokenId for this following in the contract.

  1. Unfollow

  function unfollow() external;

To unfollow the owner of the current contract



  1. Deploy a DAO contract

  function deployDaoContract(address owner,string memory name) external returns (uint256);

Deploy a Dao contract and record it on the DaoRegister contract. The creator will be the owner of the contract.


  • owner: The intended owner of this Dao contract.

  • name: The name of this Dao contract.

Return value:

  • tokenId: The tokenId for this Dao contract in the DaoRegister contract.

  1. Lookup the information on a DAO

  function daoOf(uint256 tokenId) external view returns(address owner,address contractAddress);

Use tokenId to lookup the owner and address that a DAO contract is linked to.


  • tokenId

Return value:

  • owner: The creator of the DAO contract

  • contractAddress: The address of the DAO contract.


  1. Set the URI for a dao

function setDaoURI(string memory daoURI) external;

Set the URI for a dao. Pass the transaction hash related to the dao on Arweave.


  • daoURI: A resource address pointing to the data of a dao's information. It is a transaction hash on Arweave.

The content uploaded to Arweave is structured as follows:

  "avatar": "${The avatar of DAO}",
  "description": "${The description of DAO}"
  1. The URI for a dao

function daoURI() external view returns (string memory _daoURI);

Query the URI for a dao. Return the transaction hash related to the dao on Arweave.


  • daoURI: A resource address pointing to the data of a dao's information. It is a transaction hash on Arweave.

  1. Is this an open dao?

function isFreeJoin() external view returns (bool);

Check if this dao is open to the public without an admin's invitation.

Return value:

  • isFreeJoin: true--free to join;false--closed to the public

  1. Add the specified address to the dao.

function addMember(address[] memory addr) external;

Add the specified address to dao in batches, only executed by the creator of dao.


  • addr: The specified address.

  1. Join a dao.

  function join() external returns (uint256 tokenId);

When user joins a dao:

Return value:

  • tokenId: The tokenId for this member in the dao.

  1. Removed from a dao

  function remove(address addr) external;

Remove a certain member from a dao.


  • addr: The address of the member to be removed.

  1. Is a member of the dao?

  function isMember(address addr) external view returns(bool);

Query whether an address is a member of a dao


  • addr: The address of member

Return value:

  • isMember: true--is a member of the dao;false--not a member of the dao

  1. The owner of a dao

  function ownerOfDao() external view returns(address owner);

Query the owner for a dao.

Return value:

  • owner: The owner of a dao

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